Kraainem - bicycle highway and R22 redesign
Bicycle tunnel and redesign R22
In Kraainem and Zaventem we realised this project, consisting of four phases. Among other things, we realised the construction of a bicycle tunnel and the northern and southern approach ramp, the construction of the sewer system and road alignment near the R22 on the south side of the N2 and in Tramstraat, the adaptation of the road alignment and the relocation of the utility lines.
We also realised the reconstruction of the R22 north of the N2, the N2 junction (west side) and the completion of the junction with the Oudstrijderslaan. In the fourth and final phase, we took care of the construction of the bicycle highway and rest areas, the reconstruction of the service road and parking zone (between Woluwedal 12 and 30), the installation of the retaining wall at the E40 exit and the planting of greenery. We broke up the retaining loops, laid a central reservation and bicycle highway at that height, and provided planting and further completion.