E40 Bertem-Sterrebeek 

Agentschap Wegen en Verkeer Vlaams-Brabant
Start of the construction
07/2017 + 07/2018
End of the construction
08/2017 + 08/2018

A3/E40 Leuven – Brussel reconstruction E40 toward Brussel phase 1 – Bertem –Sterrebeek

This project stretches along the E40 between the Bertem complex (kmpt 15,300) and the Sterrebeek complex (kmpt 9,200) 

The project included structural maintenance of the E40 pavement and renovation of underbridges in the E40 (O17 Huntsman, O18 Tervuursesteenweg, and O19 Rosbergstraat) and the overhead bridges over the E40 (B16 Voskapelstraat, B20 Hollestraat, and B21 Heerbaan)